Tuesday 3 September 2019

The health benefits of popular foods 1

Almonds are a rich source of vitamin E, coppermagnesium, good quality protein, and healthy unsaturated fatty acids.
Studies have revealed that almonds can potentially help prevent cardiovascular diseases, cut the risk of cancer, and help prolong life.

ApplesApple and apple slices
Apples are sometimes called "nutritional powerhouses" because of their impressive nutritional profile.
Apples contain about 14 percent of our daily needs of Vitamin C (a powerful natural antioxidant), B-complex vitamins, dietary fiber, phytonutrients (which help protect the body from the detrimental effects of free radicals), and minerals such as calcium and potassium.
Studies have revealed that eating apples can potentially help prevent dementia and reduce the risk of stroke and diabetes.

Along with other leafy greens, arugula contains very high nitrate levels (more than 250 milligrams per 100 grams). High intakes of dietary nitrate have been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce the amount of oxygen needed during exercise, and enhance athletic performance.
The potential health benefits of arugula include lowering the risk of cancer, preventing osteoporosis, and improving muscle oxygenation during exercise.

Asparagus is very rich in dietary fiber and contains high levels of vitamin B6, calcium, zinc, and magnesium.
The potential health benefits of asparagus include: reducing the risk of diabetes, preventing kidney stones, and lowering the risk of neural tube defects in babies.
Asparagus is also a natural diuretic, which can help with fluid balance in the body and influence blood pressure and edema.

Bananas are naturally free of fat, cholesterol, and sodium, and very rich in potassium.
The potential health benefits of bananas include: lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of developing childhood leukemia, and supporting heart health.

BasilBasil leaves
Basil is rich in vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin C, magnesium, iron, potassium, and calcium.
Studies have revealed that basil can potentially reduce inflammation and swelling, prevent the harmful effects of aging, and may be useful in treating arthritisand inflammatory bowel diseases.

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The health benefits of popular foods 1

Almonds Almonds are a rich source of  vitamin  E,  copper ,  magnesium , good quality protein, and healthy unsaturated fatty acids. S...